Monthly Meetings

Directions to McKinley Middle School

We meet the first Tuesday of every month in Albuquerque at the McKinley Middle School.

The school is located at 4500 Comanche Rd NE--between San Mateo and Carlisle with easy access from both I 25 and I 40.

Go to far west end of building and enter lounge at door on end of bldg.

The doors open at 6:30 pm, and the meeting begins at 7:00 pm. We generally wrap up by 8:45 pm, though we've been known to go until 9:30 pm.  See Event Schedule for specific dates. The ARS home page will have the location of the next club meeting.

We start our meetings by covering club business. These sessions vary in length based upon the amount and nature of business to be covered, but generally last around an hour.

After finishing with club business, the meeting becomes much more informal: we generally stand around, chat, watch videos, ask people about the rockets they've brought--just hang around and have fun with our hobby, basically. This usually lasts for about forty-five mintues to an hour (or until we get kicked out).