An organization dedicated to the pursuit of Model and High Power Rocketry
ARS 2025 Contests

Contest Number One: H Water Bottle Altitude

This contest is open to any club member.

Rocket must launch a standard 500 ml disposable water bottle, unopened and full of water, to maximum altitude. Total impulse is limited to 320 N-s. Water bottle and rocket must be returned intact and flyable to witness by another club member.

Contest Number Two: G Handicap

This contest is open to any club member.

Airframe must be at least 2.5 inches in diameter for at least 2 feet. Total impulse is limited to 160 N-s. The purpose of the handicapped rocket altitude competition is to achieve the highest possible altitudes when there are restrictions on both the total impulse used and the minimum rocket diameter and length. Restricting a rocket's total impulse and diameter shifts the emphasis toward modifying weight, drag, and design to increase altitude. Limiting to G-class motors keeps the contest open to all certification levels. The current Tripoli record is 3323 ft AGL.

ARS Contest Results

H Water Bottle Altitude

Date/Location Flyer/Rocket Altitude Achieved Motor Altimeter Used

G Handicap

Date/Location Flyer/Rocket Altitude Achieved Motor Altimeter Used